
Nano food
  • The foundation discovered Nano Bio food which can be an alternate for the regular food. The Nano food can replace 2/3rd of the normal food consumed by the human with 200mg/day equivalent

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Nano Drug Synthesis & delivery
  • The foundation discovered 6 Nano Bio drugs for cancer, autoimmune disorders, diabetics etc.,
  • The foundation has at least 2 innovative oral nano drug delivery mechanisms.

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Nano Fluids
  • The foundation does research in ferro magnetic fluids and a next generation transportation system based on the same.

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  • The foundation has the siddha traditional knowledge of more than 650 years. Several million children got the traditional immunization protocol using the siddha nano materials. Significant amount of people lived for 120 years without any issues. The men was potent till the age of 60 and the women given birth to more than 10 children and lived up to their 100’s and 120’s.
  • The foundation has at least 5 Nano Bio compounds for traditional immunization and the process can adopted even today.

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Cancer Biology
  • The foundation discovered 3 Nano Bio materials for cancer treatment. The compounds produced using the nano material synthesis techniques proposed by Tamil siddha’s. The nano materials having particle size 50~150 nm shows excellent recovery in breast cancer. The Master medicine arrest the spreading of the breast cancer in 5 days provided the patient make use of the siddha nano formulation before going for any chemo or radio therapy. The duration for the breast cancer cure is around 6 months and the post treatment period is another 6 months.

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Disaster Management Nano Technology
  • The foundation discovered one siddha Nano Bio material which can be used in disaster management like earth quake, flooding etc., Where the Nano compound 35mg/dose/day is more than sufficient to keep the people disease free as well as the compound helps in healing the wounds and prevent the infection. The compound has a strategic application in Bio warfare.

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Women Health
  • The prime mission of the foundation is saving women from Breast and Uterus cancer. The foundation believes the women health can be maintained by maintaining the health of the uterus. We have 2 siddha formulation which can maintain the health of the uterus.
  • The foundation has one siddha formulation for the development of the breast and Uterus.

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